Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Favorite Book of All Time

this is like my most fave book of all time i love it so much hehe seriously i do no joke i love it ok anyways i just thought i would share this with everybody cuz im having jewelry designers block or beaders block or something i cant figur wat to make next ok but soon i will not be blocked and i will share some more jewelry with you people alls i know is you should check out this book i put the pic to the left of the cover the title makes me feel like wierd dont no why anyways yeah i love this book so please do me a faver and check this awesome book out thanks it is about this girl who disappears but then three years later returns home and doesnt remember a thing that happened to her when i actually think of the title now i am just like picturing a have you seen this kid sign of that book title super good read you should read it and tell me what you think it is emotianal and good all at the same time sometimes i didnt want to put the book down even though i had two

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