Friday, April 26, 2013

T-Shirt Necklace

this neclace comes from a recycled t-shirt how cool is that and dont you just love how cute it is well i do you can use any colors for beads shirt and ribbon but you should try to at least use a cotton shirt because they work the best first you cut the shirt into long stips of what ever length and size fold them over and sew or use  super glue make swirls and use glue to make them into flowers you can find  thread to sew or use the super glue to stick the bead in the middle i use the crazy glue for all of this after you are done making and glueing the flowers you need to glue them onto the ribbon make sure to measure the length you want your neclace to be around your neck before cutting ribbons make sure it is comfy hehe then use glue to stick them onto the middle with different sizes or whatever then your done cool huh one more thing these are washable great huh love it a lot

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