Friday, April 12, 2013

Back to Beads-or Beading

i was blocked for a little while and then i looked around on the internet for some cool ideas of what to make next guess what i didnt find anything good or that i liked it really sucks what a bummer hehe but i came across a pretty cool website for beading and so here is the link and it is also on under the pops posts check it out and the other one to you will like it i garantee it below is the pic of it have fun oh and one last really important thing: my email is cuz it was my friends old one and she gave it to me cuz i wasnt allowed to get my own anyway yeah email me what you have made or gotten ideas from and i will post them on my blog hehe no seriously i will send me a pic or to of what you made or tried i would love to see it or them -avia

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