Sunday, March 31, 2013

Beaded Sandals

i cant wait for summer much longer it is supposed to be spring rite now but no there is still snow on the ground ok so that is why i am showing everyone this cute craft idea it is something other than jewelry yet you can see it has beads and stuff in this craft you will need ribbons beads tiny sea shells and flipflops/sandals you can put the beads through the ribbons or snag them and put them on first your choice you can even do both and then use crazy glue to stick the ribbon beads and shells whereever you want on the thong of the sandle it is supper cool so try it and you will like it i garantee it hehe oh and i forget to tell you you can use whatever colors that was prolly obvious


  1. These are actually super cute! Are the ones in the picture the ones you made?

    1. no i found the pic online but mine r just a little diferent
