Saturday, March 23, 2013

Rose Gold Triple Wrap Bracelet

look at how fun this looks so cute huh ok so to get started you will need seed beads or smaller ones you   also need like small stretch cord almost or even smaller this is a lot of tedious work so you got to be patient there is also little rose pearl looking beads those are small too this was a pic form my moms store but i made mine different i didnt put the tassle thingy on it but you can plus i used seed beads that were like pearl white and gold i didnt use the same beads as the pic it is a very professional looking bracelet i think ok so you will probably also need to make this like two or three times around your wrist and then when you are done tie it and use crazy glue have fun with this and maybe you can tell me the results you have to have it long enough so it can wrap no clasp 

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