Friday, April 26, 2013

T-Shirt Necklace

this neclace comes from a recycled t-shirt how cool is that and dont you just love how cute it is well i do you can use any colors for beads shirt and ribbon but you should try to at least use a cotton shirt because they work the best first you cut the shirt into long stips of what ever length and size fold them over and sew or use  super glue make swirls and use glue to make them into flowers you can find  thread to sew or use the super glue to stick the bead in the middle i use the crazy glue for all of this after you are done making and glueing the flowers you need to glue them onto the ribbon make sure to measure the length you want your neclace to be around your neck before cutting ribbons make sure it is comfy hehe then use glue to stick them onto the middle with different sizes or whatever then your done cool huh one more thing these are washable great huh love it a lot

Friday, April 12, 2013

Typewriter Key Initial Necklace

make this adorable necklace today hehe no seriously do it ok well since the interent didnt do me any good i would like to say that i had to go to the store for three hrs and sit there trying to think of what to make next in the jewelry isle this is true story my mom was so made at me yeah but i wouldnt leave until something hit my brain box this is what came into my brain three hr l8er just simple name i give it is typewrite key intitail necklace but you can use any font or whatever so you need a 15mm circle frame a mounting circle ball chain necklace typewrite letter stickers or any kind any color paper of any color and a mini clear coteing just make it like it is a mini pic frame oh and you will need a clasp for the silver ball chain necklace

Back to Beads-or Beading

i was blocked for a little while and then i looked around on the internet for some cool ideas of what to make next guess what i didnt find anything good or that i liked it really sucks what a bummer hehe but i came across a pretty cool website for beading and so here is the link and it is also on under the pops posts check it out and the other one to you will like it i garantee it below is the pic of it have fun oh and one last really important thing: my email is cuz it was my friends old one and she gave it to me cuz i wasnt allowed to get my own anyway yeah email me what you have made or gotten ideas from and i will post them on my blog hehe no seriously i will send me a pic or to of what you made or tried i would love to see it or them -avia

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Online Book

check out this awesome book i just read Here! tell me what you think of it sorry ppl still have block i am trying to think of what to do next i liked this little book that is the pic to the right of the cover isnt that girl pretty darn she is lookin good hehe the book is called loneliness just click on the link above and visit it read it and see why i like it so much thanks -avia

My Favorite Book of All Time

this is like my most fave book of all time i love it so much hehe seriously i do no joke i love it ok anyways i just thought i would share this with everybody cuz im having jewelry designers block or beaders block or something i cant figur wat to make next ok but soon i will not be blocked and i will share some more jewelry with you people alls i know is you should check out this book i put the pic to the left of the cover the title makes me feel like wierd dont no why anyways yeah i love this book so please do me a faver and check this awesome book out thanks it is about this girl who disappears but then three years later returns home and doesnt remember a thing that happened to her when i actually think of the title now i am just like picturing a have you seen this kid sign of that book title super good read you should read it and tell me what you think it is emotianal and good all at the same time sometimes i didnt want to put the book down even though i had two